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🛠 Installation

1. 📥 Download or clone the repository

[!TIP] Skip this step, if you're going to install the module directly from git repository.

1.1. Prepare projects directory (if not exists):

# Create projects directory:
mkdir -pv ~/workspaces/projects

# Enter into projects directory:
cd ~/workspaces/projects

1.2. Follow one of the below options [A], [B] or [C]:

OPTION A. Clone the repository:

git clone && \
    cd model.python-template

OPTION B. Clone the repository (for DEVELOPMENT: git + ssh key):

git clone && \
    cd model.python-template

OPTION C. Download source code:

  1. Download archived zip file from releases.
  2. Extract it into the projects directory.

2. 📦 Install the module

[!NOTE] Choose one of the following methods to install the module [A ~ E]:

OPTION A. Install directly from git repository:

pip install git+

OPTION B. Install from the downloaded source code:

# Install directly from the source code:
pip install .
# Or install with editable mode:
pip install -e .

OPTION C. Install for DEVELOPMENT environment:

pip install -r ./requirements/

OPTION D. Install from pre-built package files (for PRODUCTION):

  1. Download .whl or .tar.gz file from releases.
  2. Install with pip:
# Install from .whl file:
pip install ./simple_model-[VERSION]-py3-none-any.whl
# Or install from .tar.gz file:
pip install ./simple_model-[VERSION].tar.gz

OPTION E. Copy the module into the project directory (for testing):

# Install python dependencies:
pip install -r ./requirements.txt

# Copy the module source code into the project:
cp -r ./src/simple_model [PROJECT_DIR]
# For example:
cp -r ./src/simple_model /some/path/project/