├── .github/ # GitHub specific files
| ├── workflows/ # GitHub actions as workflows
| └── release.yml # Categories and labels for release notes
├── .vscode/ # VSCode specific files
| ├── extensions.json # Recommended extensions for the workspace
| └── settings.json # Common VSCode settings for the workspace (e.g. formatting, linting, etc...)
├── docs/ # Documentation of this project
| ├── assets/ # Any assets (images, audios, videos, js, css, html, etc...) used for the documentation
| ├── diagrams/ # Diagrams related to this project
| ├── pages/ # MkDocs pages - markdown files
| ├── references/ # References related to this project (papers, articles, manuals, etc...)
| └── reports/ # Reports based on results of this project
├── examples/ # Example source codes of this project
├── requirements/ # Python dependency requirements for different environments
├── scripts/ # Helpful scripts to automate tasks or assist in the development process
├── my_module01/ # Main CODEBASE of this project as a python module
| ├── modules/ # External modules for this project
| | ├── module_1/
| | ├── module_2/
| | └── .../
| ├── # Initialize the module to be used as a package
| ├── # Version of the module (should be updated and used with each release)
| └── ... # Other main python files of this module
├── templates/ # Template files (if any, e.g. config files, etc...) used in this project
├── tests/ # Tests for this project
| ├── # Initialize the test module
| ├── # Presets for pytest (e.g. fixtures, plugins, pre/post test hooks, etc...)
| ├── # Test case files
| ├──
| └── ...
├── # Initialize the whole project as a python module to import from other modules
├── .editorconfig # Editor configuration for consistent coding styles for different editors
├── .env.example # Example environment variables file
├── .gitignore # Files and directories to be ignored by git (e.g. data, models, results, etc...)
├── .markdownlint.json # Markdown linting rules
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml # Pre-commit configuration file
├── # List of changes for each version of the project
├── environment.yml # Conda environment file
├── LICENSE.txt # License file for this project
├── Makefile # Makefile for common commands and automation
├── # Manifest file for setuptools (to include/exclude files in the source distribution)
├── mkdocs.yml # MkDocs configuration file
├── pyproject.toml # PEP 518 configuration file for python packaging
├── pytest.ini # Pytest configuration file
├── # Main README file for this project
├── requirements.txt # Main python dependency requirements for this project
├── setup.cfg # Configuration for setuptools
└── # Setup script for setuptools (for backward compatibility)